



Highly selective conscription through a lottery, though nobody is actually drafted, since all used are volunteers.

There are no plans to suspend/abolish conscription in the near future. There are plans for female conscription. Defence Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen made the announcement in an interview with TV2. [1]

Conscientious objection:


First recognised by Alternative Service Act, 13th Dec. The conscripts in Denmark have the right to refuse military service and service in the Danish Emergency Management Agency on the grounds of conscientious objection (CO), according to Article 1, Subsection 1, in the Act No. 226 of 13th of March 2006 of announcement of law on conscientious objectors. CO-status is granted to a person, who objects to military service and service in the Danish Emergency Management Agency based on reasons of conscience. Objection is accepted when based on religious or ethical reasons. An application solely politically based will be refused. Legislatives of the CO-service (law and departmental order):

The national law on conscientious objectors applies only on the conscripts. So, no human right to conscientious objection is recognized for the professional military.

Professional military personnel are employed on contract, which means they can be given notice (dismissal) or they can give notice (resignation) according to the terms stated in their respective contracts. They have to obey the normal demands of their contract, which is 1-6 months’ notice to break out. No reason need to be given. All contracted service men in the military are since 2015 on indefinite contracts until terminated or pension age. Even after contracts are finished or broken, they are still obligated as military reserves until pension age - with no way to say no.

The volunteers actually serve under the rules for conscripts, and as such can apply to be transferred to CO service. The volunteer conscripts do not have a "contract", but an "agreement":





The duration of the military service normally varies from 4 months up to 12 months.



The duration of the civilian service / conscientious objection service (CO-service) has to be equal to the duration of the military service, from which the conscript is transferred. The duration of the service normally varies from 4 months up to 12 months, so accordingly the COs have differentiated duration of service, but to most of them, the duration of the service is 4 months.





The legal minimum age for conscription in a time of peace and war is 18.

Voluntary enlistment:



More including the reply of the Danish Ministry of Defence Personnel Agency to the Questionnaire about EBCO’s Annual Report 2022 (e-mail on 26/01/2023), as well as the reply of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (e-mail on 19/01/2023).

According to the reply of the Danish Ministry of Defence Personnel Agency to the Questionnaire about EBCO’s Annual Report 2022 (e-mail on 26/01/2023):

“In 2022 Danish Ministry of Defence Personnel Agency (MDPA) has received and approved 11 applications for CO-status.

The number of applications for CO-status in the last 5 years is described in the table down below. There were no rejected applications.

Year Number of applications

2018 13

2019 17

2020 4

2021 17

2022 11

CO-status can only be granted if a conscript objects to both military service and service in the Danish Emergency Management Agency on the grounds of conscientious objection (CO), and on that ground the national laws do not recognize the selective conscientious objection.

Objection is accepted when based on religious or ethical reasons. An application solely politically based would be refused.”

According to the reply of Aldrig Mere Krig about EBCO’s Annual Report 2022 (e-mails on 01/02/2023 & 24/04/2023):

"Before 2004 the CO-Administration, Emergency Management Agency and administration of the possible conscripts were purely civilian, and managed by Indenrigsministeriet (Home Affairs). After 2004 all this has been transferred to the Ministry of Defense. Therefore, the alternative social civilian service system is not purely civilian anymore, since it is solely administrated by the military. Requests on referrals to alternative social civilian service shall be sent to "Værnepligtssektionen" at "Forsvarsministeriets Personalestyrelse" (CO-Administration at Danish Ministry of Defence Personnel Agency).[2] The official webpage http://www.militærnæ now redirects to the military

But the conscientious objection service itself is purely civilian.

Every male that turns 18 years has to attend the Defence Day, which is a rolling event throughout the year. Volunteers serve under the rules for conscripts, and as such can apply to be transferred to CO service. Actually most of the conscientious objectors now become objectors during their military service (11 applied to be transferred to CO service in 2022).

Women can volunteer as conscripts, but can decide to leave the service anytime they want.

A part of the volunteers is just "technically voluntary" since they got a low lottery number, and then were lured into voluntary conscription to be able to have a bit of influence on date and geography for their duty. This happens though nobody is actually forced into service, since all conscripts now are volunteers.

Since 2019 all conscripts are obligated for five more years to be loosely attached to a mobilisation force. For those serving under contract, this obligation is not five years, but until retirement age which is above 67 years."