Solidarity actions in Berlin

Solidarity actions in Berlin in which members of DFG-VK played major role:

1) October 4-6 there was a vigil in front of the Ukrainian embassy. It was organized by the initiative “Solidarity for Pacifist from Eastern Europe” in combination with an art event of the initiative “umbrella peace art”. Using the slogan “Criticism of the military is not a crime - treason is an act of peace” the activists demanded that all charges against Yurii Sheliazhenko be dropped.

* Credit for the photo of the peace umbrella: Ute Donner umbrella peace art (Creative Commons)

2) On 10th October young people from Belarus and Germany carried out a graffiti action in front of the Paul Löbe Haus in Berlin which is part of the building complex of the German Parliament (committee meeting are held there). They built a graffiti wall of transparent film and sprayed on it “Rob dictators of their armies”. They also displayed a banner “Not our War! Asylum for Belarusian conscientious objectors”. The action was the highlight of a week-long encounter of young people from Belarus and Germany in Berlin. The meeting was organised by Nash Dom and the Association for Networking and Participation in Berlin, in which young members of the DFG-VK are involved.

Report by Dr Guido Grünewald, DFG-VK.