Report on the anniversary of mobilization in Russia by GET LOST

A year ago, on September 21, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on “partial mobilization”.
The very next day, mobilization offices began to open all over Russia, sometimes
in most unexpected places like the Roman Viktyuk’s theater. Immediately,
people began to receive military call-up sheets that were handed in person, left
in doorframes or mailboxes, given to random people on the street. In St. Petersburg,
military recruitment officers would stand in the entrances of apartment
buildings to hand call-up papers to passing residents. In Vladivostok recruitment
officers would climb into houses through the windows.

From the very first day, mobilization was carried out with gross violations on various
levels. Despite the fact that it was announced that only military reservists would be
mobilized, the call-up papers were handed to citizens who were never supposed to
be in the military: fathers with many children, disabled people and people with no
military experience at all.
In addition, it quickly became clear that the mobilization would hit the provinces and
ethnic republics: in many places like Buryatiya, Yakutiya the absolute majority of men
received call-up sheets and were taken to war.

Get Lost - We help to avoid mobilisation (

Read the full report by GET LOST here: