activity organised in honour of Jean Van Lierde

April 17 - Global Day Against Military Spending Athens action

Discussion on the right to Concientious Objection in Republic of Cyprus

Presentation – Discussion on the right to Concientious Objection in Republic of Cyprus

On Friday 15.4., together with the recognized conscientious objector in the Republic of Cyprus Loizos Loucaides and activists of the 'Demilitarised Nicosia Network', we are discussing about conscientious objection, the relevant legislation and the process to be followed in order for someone to be recognized as a conscientious objector in the Republic of Cyprus.

17 Απριλίου - Παγκόσμια καμπάνια για τις στρατιωτικές δαπάνες

Σας καλούμε στη δράση για τη μείωση των στρατιωτικών δαπανών και την αύξηση των κοινωνικών δαπανών την Κυριακή 17 Απριλίου ώρα 17:00. Ξεκινάμε με πορεία από την πλατεία Συντάγματος, στεκόμαστε στα γραφεία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, και καταλήγουμε στο Πολεμικό Μουσείο δηλώνοντας:

Δεν είμαστε Αόρατοι
Σταματήστε Τους Πολέμους, Όχι Τους Πρόσφυγες
Βάλτε τον Πόλεμο στο Μουσείο
Κόψτε Στρατιωτικές Δαπάνες, Χρηματοδοτήστε Ανθρώπινες Ανάγκες

Press release by the Belgian peace movements

22 mars 2016, la terreur aveugle a encore frappé. C’est cette fois notre pays qui dénombre ses morts et ses blessés. Nous pleurons les victimes des attentats à Bruxelles, comme nous pleurons toutes les victimes innocentes de Paris, d’Irak, de Syrie, de Turquie, de Côte d’Ivoire, du Burkina Faso, du Mali et partout ailleurs où la terreur frappe aveuglément. Ces attaques nous rappellent douloureusement que la guerre et la violence ne connaissent pas de frontières.

Bombarder le terrorisme ne l’éradiquera pas

Statement of conscientious objectors’ groups from eastern Mediterranean region

We are conscientious objectors from all around the eastern Mediterranean region. Our region has suffered for so long from oppression, injustice, militarisation, military occupations and wars, as well as poverty, illiteracy, hunger and lack of social infrastructure. In this difficult period, when our region seems to fall even more into the chaos of war, we raise a common voice for peace and against militarisation.

The horrible attacks on Brussels affect us all. Our heart is with you

Declaration Against War of VR-DER - Conscientious Objection Association, Turkey

"VR-DER: Leave Your Units, Refuse The War"

Although nobody remembers in today’s war conditions, it shouldn’t be forgotten that there had been a state of cease fire between the state and PKK, which started in the Newroz of 2013 and lasted for more than two years. After a period of clashes, while Erdogan was talking in public meetings before the 2015 June elections, saying “Give us the 400 (seats), (so that) the issue is settled peacefully” as the head of state; HDP election campaign had the slogan “we will not let you become the president”.

VR-DER: Birliklerinizi Terk Edin, Savaşı Reddedin

İçinde bulunduğumuz savaş koşullarında artık kimse hatırlamıyor olsa dahi, devlet ile PKK arasında 2013 yılı Newroz’unda başlayan ve yaklaşık 2 yıldan uzun süren bir çatışmasızlık halinin yaşandığını unutmamak gerekir.

Nuri Silay - Conscientious Objection Declared in Cyprus (28 January 2016)

Declaration written by Nuri Sılay who is the 17th conscientious objector so far in Cyprus-north.

My Conscientious Objection

As an individual of 32 years of age, I lead my life taking responsibility for all my decisions. Such a conception of life, though, places on us certain conscientious duties; I draw up the following text in an attempt to share with you my new duty.

Israeli Conscientious Objector Tair Kaminer goes to jail

Israeli Conscientious Objector Tair Kaminer goes to jail
Observing the situation of CO in the Mediterranean region EBCO forwards the following information received from easternmednetwork:

For more information please visit War Resisters International website

No to Equality in militarism

Statement of the feminist collective TO MOV (Greece) co-signed by the Association of Greek Conscientious Objectors
At a time when the democratic demand is the abolition of compulsory miliraty service, the ministry of Defense, on the contrary, seems to wish the extention of this service to women.

Stop the mockery against conscientious objectors! We demand full respect for our human rights!

Press Release of the Association of Greek Conscientious Objectors
Each new government usually spends some minimum time during the first year of its term to settle some minimum issues relating to compulsory military service and the issue of conscientious objectors. We have experienced this repeatedly.

Memorandum to the Parliamentary Permanent Committee of National Defence and Foreign Affairs

The draft law which is currently under discussion, and article 12 in specific, fails to end the human rights violations and the injustice suffered by conscientious objectors for decades. In order to restore the rights of conscientious objectors and bring the Greek legislation in line with international law and international standards, but also in order to be able to offer to the society, we, conscientious objectors demand the following:

EBCO's wishes for a Peaceful 2016


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