Human Rights 75 Youth Declaration

To ensure that youth engagement is at the core of the Human Rights 75 initiative, OHCHR created a Youth Advisory Group of 12 young human rights defenders from different regions, who were tasked to implement Human Rights 75 activities and promote the initiative among youth worldwide.

In August 2023, together with the Youth Advisory Group, OHCHR conducted an online global youth consultation, where young people from all over the world shared their concerns and aspirations regarding human rights and discussed what should be done by youth, States, the United Nations, and the Civil Society Organizations to reinforce human rights in the future. In parallel with the consultation, an online survey and a call for input were launched to collect views of young people and youth-led and youth-focused organizations.

The outcomes of the online global youth consultation, the survey, and the inputs received from youth organizations informed the development of the Human Rights 75 Youth Declaration, which was launched at the Human Rights 75 High-level event on 11-12 December 2023 in Geneva.

It also includes:

"Conscientious Objection to Military Service: Acknowledge and protect the right of youth to refuse on grounds of conscience to perform military service or, as appropriate, to seek release from such service without discrimination as to the nature of their religious or non-religious beliefs on which the conscientious objection is based".


PDF icon hr-75-youth-declaration.pdf2.67 MB